
“At the beginning of my professional career in New York City in the early nineties, I was referred to Hilly Krystal the owner of the venerable music venue CBGBs. The club was facing difficulties with many violations and was about to be shut down by the city for not being code compliant.

As a newly licensed New York professional, I was able to file new plans and patiently correct all their violations, secure their Certificate of Occupancy assuring them to stay in business until the death of Hilly Krystal in 2000. The experience was seminal for me.”

Over the years DOARC has continued to assist clients with clubs of all sizes and themes. The spatial layout and original decor contribute to the vibe and the energy in the room. High-tech lighting and sound systems are carefully integrated in the design. High occupancy triggers code and zoning issues at multiple levels. Life safety issues such as sprinkler systems and egress paths are a priority.

From small underground speak -easy lounges such as "Flute" champagne bar, and the "The Back Door" to large, high occupancy venues such as “ELSEWHERE” performance center in Bushwick, "SubCulture" and the "Orensanz Foundation".

DOARC has covered the full range.